10 Free Tools to Optimize Your Website

Exists anything you would enhance about your site? If your response is “I’m unsure,” utilize these 20 tools to determine your site’s efficiency in different classifications. They’re all complimentary, and none need you to sign or produce an account up for a complimentary trial.

As holds true with any automatic tool, the alternatives listed below do not provide the exact same level of insight you’ll obtain from a human marketing specialist, however each does an excellent task of recognizing problems and assisting you choose where to focus your site enhancement efforts.

SEO Audit

Keeping up with the latest in SEO best practices is a full-time job, and it’s difficult to know if you’ve made mistakes in attempting to optimize your site.

The Found SEO Audit Tool will give you a quick audit of the SEO on your site, including technical and content issues and the quality of your site’s external links.

The Quicksprout Website Analyzer offers a simple, easy-to-read website analysis, including scores for traffic, speed, and SEO, and lists the number of errors, backlinks, and other key factors. You can even compare your site with up to three others.

Varvy’s SEO tool also provides a quick SEO overview, including links, social likes, shares and recent mentions, keywords and much more.

Screaming Frog’s free version will let you crawl your entire website to find broken links and errors, analyze page titles and meta data, identify duplicate pages, and more.


Website accessibility means your site can be used by anyone, including those with visual, hearing, or other impairments. To check your website’s accessibility, enter your URL in the Website Accessibility Evaluation Tool (WAVE) to see errors like missing alt text and poor visual contrast, as well as suggestions for how to meet accessibility standards.


If you need help figuring out what keywords to use on your site, Keyword Tool can generate hundreds of keyword terms using your seed term and results from the autocomplete features of Google, YouTube, Bing and the App Store. 

The free keyword research tool from Wordtracker gives you thousands of popular search phrases based on a single keyword, and shows you the search volume, level of competition, and cost-per-click for each term.

To check out which keywords you (or your competitors) are ranking for, enter a URL into SEMrush’s Position Tracking tool to see how you rank for up to 10 keywords and how you measure up to your competitors.

Local Search

If you’re a local business, you need to make sure your customers can find you, and that means being optimized for local search. Check your local listings by entering your business name into Moz Local‘s Check Listing tool, which tracks your local search engine presence, allows you to check your listings for accuracy, and gives you a local listing score.

Search Trends

What are people searching for online? The answer can help you develop relevant content ideas to solve your customers’ problems. Google Trends shows you the most popular search terms over time, and lets you compare search terms and see trending stories and regional interests.